Thursday, August 19, 2004

GenCon Day One

Well, the first day went okay.

Sort of odd that we were in the air for an hour and 20 minutes to land only 3o minutes later than we took off. Indiana doesnt do daylight savings time.

Got to the hotel and they got us into the rooms okay and I and 2 others headed down to setup. We got there and I already tell it is a bigger deal than Origins. The displays by the vendors were nicer and much more professional.

The celebrity guest list looks like a late 70s SciFi TV series reunion. Gil Gerard and Erin Grey from Buck Rogers. Richard Hatch, "Boomer", and someone else from Battlestar Galactica. We are near the autograph area, so I might try to get one or two.

Jillian's was pretty nice. Lot more spread out than a D&B, but the space worked well. A ton of folks came by and the important people had a ton of face time and I think it was very popular. I have a couple good stories from when people asked what I do. Most moved on quickly to someone else. :)

Well, off to get ready for day 2.


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