Monday, August 30, 2004


Havent put any updates here in a bit, so let me do a broad catch-up.

GenCon: Was alot of fun. Once again, meet some nice people and had alot of fun talking with players. Some strong opinions, but all in all very good. Even saw some folks who were at Origins again and that was very nice.

Since then, stuff has been real busy. Lots of work on various projects and a ton of deliverables when I got back. Everyone needed everything yesterday. Not a bad thing, just a busy thing.

On the home front, life has been stressful. My parents are having a rough time and I want to help them out, but my well is dryer than usual. I have to come up with additional money for the cruise as well cause they screwed up. Seems like stuff is flowing out faster than it is flowing in. So it is time to tighten the screws alot and see what I can cut to make the money I need quickly.

On another note, I saw Hero last weekend and it rocked. Well worth it.

More later I am sure...


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