Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Food of Doom

With the latest from Burger King, that makes them the king of deadly breakfast. Since I am doing Weight Watchers, I did a quick calculation giving them one fiber point, so the meal comes out to 18 points.

That is just insane.

People are Stupid, part 2

Oddly enough, part 2 relates to part 1 in a strange way.

As this article shows, people dont understand that people with problems have them before they get involved with gaming.

That any public official, would make the following statement "I mean, you have many, many stab wounds and those 'Dungeons and Dragons' fantasy games involve swords and knives and daggers and things of that nature. There may be a connection but I can’t say for sure.” shows how much they dont know.

DANGER! Supidity Alert.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Education Failure

Well, this article just goes to prove my feeling about sports in schools. Even sports overall.

Schools need to be about education. When you can use athletic ability to open the door to getting an education that is a good thing. When sports takes priority over education, that is a bad thing.

No athlete should be allowed to play who does not maintain a C average. Teams must graduate 90% of their athletes. Harsh I know, but it needs to be done.

Otherwise, take the money from these spoiled children and give it to people that really want an education.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

People are stupid, part 1

In my ongoing quest to chronicle the stupidity of the human race, I thought I would start a series.

Today's offering is two fold. On one hand, we have the Israeli Defense Force, who mentioned in this article, catagorize Dungeons and Dragons players as "detached from reality and susceptible to influence". People in the military who play are considered security risks and might even be kicked out of the military or have their security clearances demoted is the impression that the article gives. My response: Stupidity Warning! The stability of a person is not determined by games. I think it could be a factor in determining creativity or group interaction, but using that as a test of connection to reality is just dumb.

Second, we have the writers of the article itself. My response: Stupidity Warning! Linking DnD playing to LARPing is dumb as well. I would hazard to guess that over 90% of Pen and Paper players do not LARP (live action role play). People that LARP are no different from re-enactors; SCA or other people who take their private time to relax by doing some role acting. No one thinks that a person who acts with their local theatre troupe is not in touch with reality because they like doing theatre. Once again making broad generalizations has reduced the argument to the absurd on their part.

People's connection to "reality" is different per the person. Most people that follow these pastimes that I know use them the way someone does a book or a movie. It is to provide them a mental break or let them stretch other mental muscles that they dont normally get to stretch. Let us also not forget what I think is a core human desire to tell a story or be a part of one.

Anyway, that concludes People are Stupid for today. I return you to your "reality".

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


The Comics pages have become really not all that funny, but sometimes you stumble on one that is both witty and yet has something that makes good social commentary. Candorville is one of those. No comic is on 24/7, but they do a good job. Here is one that hits the Science Fiction community right on the head.

Anyway take a gander at it when you have the chance, you should find something funny there.

Robo Dino

Okay, this is too cool. I have no clue how much they cost, but I really want one. I think it would be cool to have tool around the office.

You can find an article about it here.

Dumb poll questions

You know, polls are mostly worthless and this one proves the point. So WHAT??? I cannot see this as more than a statistical irrelevance. Sure there are cultural differences, but I think overall what language someone speaks doesnt matter all that much.

Sure enough you can make a poll say anything.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Finally a perfect divorce gift...

I saw this and instantly thought wow, this would be a great gift for a breakup or divorce gift.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

2 movie updates

Okay 2 movie updates to share.

1. Star Wars - The newest trailer for episode 3 will air on March 10 around 9pm during Fox's "The OC". After that it will appear on their Hyperspace website. Finally, you can see it on the big screen if you go see Robots. More info can be found here.

2. Serenity The Movie - We have a release date of September 30th. I cannot wait to see this movie. I just finished watching the episodes again and I still think it is one of the most interesting series in the last couple years.

Woot! Invisibility :)

Cloaking devices possible? I can see it now. The ultimate in privacy screens.

Funny Bumper Stickers

I happened to stumble across the Angry Left shop and found some really funny bumper stickers. I have ordered a few of them and thought I would post here so others can browse their selection.

Two of my favorites are this one and this one. The first for obvious reasons and the later because my group of friends quotes this movie all the time and that line in particular. Alan Rickman for the win!