Monday, June 26, 2006

Activist Judges...

Just for the record, activist judges is a crock in Virginia. ALL judges are only appointed for either 4; 6 or 12 year terms. Judges are reviewed closely by the legislature and every judge who has shown any tendancy to "activism" has been removed post haste.

Someone says activist judges are the reason for laws limiting judicial authority and discression, mention that too them and ask them to name one case of activist judicial ruling in Virginia. They cant.

As for other states impacting the code of the Commonwealth, this happens but only in that Federal code changes. Federal law always and ever will trump state law.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Why it is important...

Another good editorial. This scares me.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Time Marches Backward...

Well, this is more proof of how I am viewed by my government.

Register and Vote...Register and Vote...If you think this is wrong, we have to change Congress and other offices. Otherwise, after me who is next?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Quote of the Moment

I read Daily KOS periodically and thought this was a great quote and as the polical advisor pointed out the author of KOS, it is his sound bite.

"... science is the study of reality, make a habit of ignoring reality for wishful thinking, and you will effing die."

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Real issues

Now that we might be nearing the end of the political pandering for the election year in Congress, maybe we can push some real issues.

1 in 8 Americans lives below the poverty line. While poor is relative. We need to work on some improvements.

Real Income for middle class families has declined steadily for the last 5 years. There are more jobs but the money isnt there.

At least 18% of children are raised in poverty and have no way out. But we cut headstart and other programs to help children.

6 million more people than in 2000 live without health insurance.

Costs for perscription drugs has gone up at twice the rate of inflation for the last 5 years.

Adjusted for inflation, College costs have gone up 40%.

We have soldiers fighting and dying overseas and their families are starving at home. Those that are wounded that return are running out of money and losing their homes.

When can we expect to have folks talk about the real issues? We need to send people to office that will deal with it. No matter the party.

We need to tell the Christian Right that they dont speak for all Christians. We need to remind them of "what you do for the least, you do for me" and "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". We all have issues but we are still called to help and serve others.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Marriage Amendments

Well, the Federal Marriage Amendment went down to defeat again. It added a couple senators from last time that voted yes. Seven Republicans crossed the aisle, but no suprises in those that did. The sad thing is that Republican candidates will use it to beat up the opponents in the election and use it to motivate evangelicals.

There was a great report on CBS website that showed how much this matter plays with the Evangelical movement and how successful it is for motivating them to the polls. That is the purpose of this.

Next up for us will be the November election, which has a Constitutional Amendment for the Commonwealth of Virginia to prohibit marriage recognition or any other equivilant ceremony that grants the same rights. Hopefully folks will defeat this, but unless those that dont like it get out and vote it will pass.

Friday, June 02, 2006

2004 Election Oddities

Interesting article in Rolling Stone.

I am not sure of all of it, but I would love to see some independant investigation of all the election issues.