Thursday, January 26, 2006

Imperial President

More and more we are seeing Bush transform the US from a Republic with at least 2 parties to one of One Party state headed by a dictatorial leader.

Lets look at some of the stuff that is happening in the last few years.

1. The increased use of Presidental Signing Statements. Bush has used these more than any President in recent memory. These statements are basically Presidental instructions to the Executive Branch on how to interpret and use the law he is signing. Bush has increasingly stated in these that these new laws dont apply to him as Commander in Chief. Here is a rather good article that goes into more detail.

2. Bush has repeatedly attacked people for being Unpatriotic if they dont support his views. Patriotism is not blind obediance.

3. Bush repeatedly views himself more and more as Commander in Chief and uses this as the pretext of waving civil liberties. Another good article on Slate.

4. Bush has used his office to further the goals of a small group of people, who are opposed to the American Way of Life. More than any other President, Bush's supporters have profited at the expense of everyone else.

5. Corruption and Nepotism are rampant in the Bush Administration. Look at the appointees. Since the new Chairman of the Fed has come in, more and more of the Fed staff is leaving. Our UN ambassador is a personal friend, who was appointed without the Advise and Consent of the Senate. We repeatedly see people elevated to jobs that they are not trained to do or understand.

6. World Perspective - Lets be honest, the world is increasingly viewing the US not at the Beacon we should be. Do we run our country to please the world, no but we need to realize that we are not being the Light on a Hill. We cant critique others when we act as bad as they do.

We need to restore the American Republic. We need to return to practicing Liberty and Justice for ALL. We need to return to the rule of law, not whim.


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