Thursday, January 06, 2005

Ignorance must be bliss...

I have stated in the past that I am a Christian, but other believers like the persons mentioned in this article make me wonder if we are reading the same book.

It is not suprising that they are opening the "Museum of Creation" in Kentucky. After all, many of the people down that way are opposed to internal combustion engines as being too radical. ;)

I would like to know where in the Bible it mentions dinosaurs chasing Adam and Eve after their eviction from the Garden of Eden. I mean afterall if this happened, we should show Spielberg because he could make a great movie about it.

The full multimedia nature of the Flood exhibit fascinates me. You will actually get to hear the screams of people being drowned. How charming...what a wonderful thing to have to explain to your children.

But the best piece out of this is that the Columbine Massacre was brought about by the teaching of evolution. What a shocking piece of news!!!? What a load of horse hockey! I hope that some of the survivors or the victums families respond to this.

The sad thing is that people who will visit this museum will accept it for the gospel truth, because they dont want to think for themselves and question what they are seeing.

Kyrie Elision


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