Tuesday, March 14, 2006


After 12 years, I am finally going to marry the person who means more to me than anything else. May 20th cant come soon enough. Whatever happens after this I dont care. I will have my time to stand somewhere and declare to all and in front of God that I am happy and I will cling to him till death do us part.

Guess I am a romantic, but being married means so much to me. It does make us a bit of an activist, but I want to be an activist for this. I know it is not legal here, but it matters most to me that we will do it and declare that we love each other.

I think what has struck me even more was the love that poured from my friends after I started telling them. I am so lucky to have friends like these. They are my family and I would move heaven and earth for them. One of my friends mom who is very dear to me made me feel so wonderful. I cant share this with my mom and dad. She made up for it though. Her enthusaism and happiness for us made me feel like everything was alright and good. I always called her mom2, but now it means more than ever.


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