Friday, September 17, 2004

Taking Public Money...

Evidently a group is suing Washburn University to restore its funding after the school cancelled it because of discrimination.

This is an issue we see over and over again. The Bush Administration has even made this worse in some ways because of their faith based initiatives because the faiths expect that people that get the benefits from them will promote or endorse their viewpoints.

Here is my take. I think that a private group has the right to do whatever it wants as long as it does not take one dime from the public coffers. Now public coffers can mean from an overarching group as well like an university. The student in question paid fees to attend that location, some fraction of his money made it possible for that group to operate so they either need to accept him or not take the monies from the university. This is true of any organization. I should be able to join or be elected by the NAACP if they take public monies. I should be treated as an equal member. If they dont want to accept that, then dont take the money.

If you dont want the government telling how and what you can do in your group, then dont take Caesar's gold. You cant have it both ways, you cant get money from someone and expect them to keep their nose out of your business. This happens in personal relationships why should it be any different in public ones.


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